Peculiar pets of W-L
October 13, 2016
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Sophomore Gretchen Haga has had Jackson for almost his whole five years of life. He is a bearded dragon who enjoys lazing under his heat lamp and staring blankly. He is generally a very healthy animal, but he did once take a six month hibernation and is often found sleeping.

Tri and Quad
Tri and Quad are hedgehogs who have lived with sophomore Nicole Charles and her family for a little over a year. Tri was given her name because she only has three legs, while Quad has all four. These hedgehogs are sisters and enjoy snuggling under blankets together during the day. They are nocturnal animals so the nighttime is when they really come out to play.

Morris is a three-legged black mouth cur hound. His owner is freshman Ethan Burka. Ethan adopted Morris a little over two years ago from a woman who could no longer take care of him when he was only a year old when he was adopted. He is still a very energetic dog who his owners say, can be a lot to handle at times.