Online school is filled with benefits

Pressing the “join” button on a Microsoft Teams meeting is the new way of attending class for students. Many shine a harsh light on online learning, which was established due to COVID-19. Virtual school may not be for everyone, but does offer some advantages. 

The workability online offers is tremendous. Students are able to customize their work environment, for example where they choose to listen to classes and complete assignments. In school, a student might not be allowed to take breaks. Now, with their own built in school environment, they can develop stronger self-discipline by attending class, doing homework and studying for quizzes or exams. With exams and quizzes, students are offered more time to study and can feel more prepared. 

Communication with a teacher has never been easier. Students have the ability to communicate with them in a click of a button. Within the school’s schedule, asynchronous time is given, where the teacher is still on the call, meaning students can go back and ask questions while they are doing assignments or homework. Moreover, there is a scheduled day, Monday, that is catered toward students who need help. Students can enter the instructor’s call during their office hours, or if that time is not accommodating to a student’s schedule, they may arrange another session via email. 

A flexible schedule allows students to choose when to do their homework, while following the deadlines. With a more relaxed feel in online learning for some, students can do assignments early and be ahead, welcoming less stress. Along with this, the start time of school is the same, but that doesn’t mean a student has to wake up at 6:30 a.m. to get ready before the bus arrives. When has extra sleep ever been a bad thing? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics

|“insufficient sleep in adolescents…[is] an important issue that significantly affects the… academic success of our nation’s middle and high school students.”

In some cases the main benefits of online school are better grades. For example, several family members, who were averaging “Bs” and “Cs,”, ended the first quarter of online learning with all “As”. When discussing online learning with them at the dinner table, they enjoyed the ability to have more studying and free time. The fondness of virtual learning only grew with the end results of the quarter.

|But would this scenario happen with in-person school? No. 

It is no secret that schools have bullies or people who are targeted with negative comments. Not being in-person offers a place of rest for them and a feeling of space. They can attend school without the harmful comments targeting them everywhere they go. Also, within school, a sense of competitiveness always lurks, creating pressure to succeed. Online learning sheds this pressure and instead gives room for more creative work and allows students to take more risks. 

In anything and everything, benefits arise as well as negatives. Virtual learning offers both. It matters what viewpoint you look at it from. 

| Why don’t we look for the positive and not the negative for a change?