Yorktown v. Washington-Lee Basketball Broadcast!!

Boys JV basketball vs Langely at Washington-Lee.
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Conclusion Statement:
The pattern between the Force of gravity and the force of friction was
found to be linear. The data can be modeled with the equation:
Or Ff=(0.250.04*FgFf )Fg + (-0.250.18)Ff
Ff=(0.2516%*FgFf )Fg + (-0.2568%)Ff
Where Ff equals force of friction and Fg equals force of gravity, both measured in Newtons.
Our slope value was 0.25, which should equal Fg/Ff because Slope=FgFf. Slope in this model represented the coefficient of friction for wood on wood.
Error Analysis:
The uncertainty on this calculated value was 16 percent as the statistical uncertainty was calculated to be 0.04 as shown in the analysis and 0.04 is 16 percent of 0.25.
Comparing the calculated value of 0.25with the given value of 0.35, we see that they have a 28 percent error between the values. The uncertainty, as stated before, was 0.04 or 16 percent therefore there is little precision and much random error in this investigation. The 28 percent difference between the experimental and accepted value shows that the slope is not accurate.
The y-intercept was 0.25 0.18Ff . This is inconsistent with the expected value of 0.00. Due to the error bars not including the expected value we can conclude there is much systematic error and thus the pattern is very inaccurate.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
There is both much systematic and random error as indicated by the 16 percent uncertainty in the slope and the y intercept error bars not included the expected value. This may indicate that our method of determining the static force was flawed as there was much disagreement on what value the scale read during the process. Due to us having to read an analog scale while it is motion this was most likely a weakness.
Instead of using an analog scale in motion to measure force. We suggest to instead use a high speed camera and digital scale to be able to more accurately see the highest value for force. This may make our experiment much more robust and repeatable.
Another flaw may also be the accuracy of our scale as it was a spring scale that has been used multiple times and could lose its accuracy over time. To make this model more repeatable and robust I suggest using a digital scale that would be more accurate.
This experiment could be conducted by the olympic bobsled team to help them beat the Germans by better understanding their force of friction in their bobsled.